
Boston advance cleaner

Boston advance cleaner

Boston cleaner is designed for hard or rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses. Helps to remove lipid and protein deposits. Cleaner must be rinsed off...
Boston Advance Conditioning Solution

Boston Advance Conditioning Solution

This is the Boston Advance (120ml) Soaking for RGP, hard and gas permeable contact lenses. It can be used for cleaning, disinfecting, soaking,...
Boston SIMPLUS multi-action solution

Boston SIMPLUS multi-action solution

Boston SIMPLUS is a multi-action solution formulated for cleaning, rinsing, and disinfecting rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses. It offers an...
Boston rewetting drops

Boston rewetting drops

Boston rewetting drops are designed to relive minor irritation and discomfort with hard lens, or rigid gas permeable (RGP) lens wear. Bottle contains...
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