About Highbury Optometrists

Tony and Paula optometrists in Birkenhead

Highbury Optometrists provide local independent eye-care in Birkenhead.

Highbury Optometrists is 100% locally and New Zealand owned by optometrists Tony and Paula.

Optometrists Tony and Paula created Highbury Optometrists in 2004, continuing the care of former optometrists Ceri Anthony's long established practice in Birkenhead. In 2008 they moved to the new larger premises of 52 Mokoia Road.

Highbury Optometirsts shop front

Highbury Optometrists specialises in a high standard of vision care and technology plays a big role.
Ares of specialisation include

  • Glaucoma detection and treatment
  • Complex contact lenses including hard gas permeable and orthok lenses
  • Myopia control
  • Dry eye

For more information please contact us.


Opening: Monday to Saturday 8.30 am

Closing: Mon to Wed 5.30 pm, Thursday 7pm, Friday 5.30pm, Saturday 1pm

nzao optometrists logo Member of the New Zealand Association of Optometrists
cornea contact lens society logo Member of the Cornea & Contact Lens Society of New Zealand
orthok contact lens logo Member of the Orthokeratology Society of Oceania
Copyright © 2004 - 2024 Highbury Optometrists Ltd. Independent eye care in Birkenhead.